Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am famous in Niigata

So the musical was in the main Niigata newspaper, the Niigata Nippon. They took photos at the Murakami show and even interviewed me (in Japanese I might add) after the show. The basically just asked how I felt about the show (I said I was very nervous, but very excited and happy to be doing it), and they asked if any of my students came to see it (yes, they did), and the usual questions -- where do you live, where do you work, how old are you, etc. Here is the awesomeness: see for yourself. :-)


Unknown said...

That is so incredibly awesome! I had no doubt that you would do a fantastic job ... and here's the proof of that.

Unknown said...


Ivy said...

I am SO proud! You are the STAR of the show! If there's any doubt, tell them to ask your Mom... :-)

Lauren said...

Ah, the summer of 2002.... how time flies, and how far your star has risen.